Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sophie's First Sleep Over

Cousin Wesley recently stayed over night with Sophie and I while his mom went to Portland. The kiddos had a great time!

I don't want to go to bed...I'm busy reading magazines!

Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!

A couple of weeks ago Sophie and I went to Boise to visit Eric while he was working there. Audri was able to join Sophie and I for some shopping one afternoon and then we all went to dinner with Eric after he got off work. It was actually a nice day (shocking with all this horrible weather lately!) and after dinner we took a walk on the Green Belt. Sophie got SUPER excited when she saw some geese (which she called ducks but we didn't correct her)!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Just some pictures that were taken recently. Sophie LOVES Elmo...or as she calls him "Elm." We are not sure how we are going to get her diaper changed when her Elmo birthday balloon finally loses all it's helium! And just a clarification, Sophie does not take a binkie. She found one and decided it would be fun to chew on (since she's trying to get a top tooth in). We put sunglasses on her last night just for fun. She would keep them on as long as we sang the song "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" to her! It was kind of a game to her.

Weekend at Grammy's

Eric was gone for work training for the past three weeks. Sophie and I kept busy with our trip to Idaho, a visit with Auntie Heidi, and we went to my mom's one weekend....so that mommy could get a little break from being the 24-7 caregiver! At Grammy's Sophie has a special cupboard in the kitchen that's all hers to play in. She enjoyed stacking the canned foods etc. One day the sun decided to come out and Sophie got to go outside on her swing for a little while. She loved it! We have not been able to go outside much lately since we pretty much had three weeks of rain. Sophie also was very excited about the kitty Fluffy. She crawled around "chasing" her. Amazingly Fluffy allowed Sophie to pet her several times....which is surprising since Fluffy is not normally a people cat. Often when Sophie was getting her diaper changed on Grammy's bed Fluffy would lay next to her and let her pet her. Sadly a few days after we left Grammy and Grandpa Larry had to put Fluffy to sleep because of ongoing illness. :( Sophie will miss seeing the cat (one of her new words) when we go to visit.


Sophie and I had the chance to see Heidi recently. She was visiting her parents in Payette, Idaho and drove over to La Grande to visit us for one day and night. Sophie loved having Auntie Heidi spoil her! We had a nice visit with her. We went out to eat at a place we liked when we both use to live here. Nell's Drive In was yummy even it wasn't the most healthy food! :) We will miss Heidi for the next 5 months while she is at her parent's fishing lodge in Alaska. But we hope she has fun on her cruise to Alaska in a couple of weeks! Happy 1st anniversary Heidi and John!